
Peer-reviewed Book Chapters

Agyepong, M. (2018). Discourse, representation, and “othering”: Postcolonial analysis of Donald Trump’s education reform. In R. Winkle-Wagner, J. Lee-Johnson, and A. Gaskew (Eds.), Critical theory and data analysis (pp. 177-192). New York, NY: Routledge Press.

Agyepong, M. (2017). The struggles of invisibility: Perception and treatment of African students in the United States. In O. N. Ukpokodu and P. O. Ojiambo (Eds.), Erasing invisibility, inequity and social injustice of Africans in the Diaspora and the Continent (pp. 56-75). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.   

Agyepong, M. (2013). Seeking to be heard: An African-born, American-raised child's tale of struggle, invisibility, and invincibility. In I. Harushimana, C. Ikpeze and S. Mthethwa-Sommers (Eds.), Reprocessing race, language and ability: African-born educators and students in transnational America (pp. 155-168). New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishers.

Book Reviews

Agyepong, M. (2020, November). Review of the book Immigration and the remaking of Black America, by T. G. Hamilton. Contemporary Sociology, 49(6), 513-515.

Agyepong, M. (2020, May). Review of the book Ghosts in the schoolyard: Racism and school closings on Chicago’s South Side, by E. L. Ewing. American Journal of Sociology, 125(6), 1686-1688.